mom wanted to have an intervention. we knew he had been taking an oral form of heroin. but the rest of us knew that scott was no where near to wanting help, or believing that he had a problem. my dad thought that if scott would agree, the best option would be to take my brother back to florida with him, away from the drugs, the park where he got the drugs, the bad influences around philadelphia & south jersey. much to our surprise, & my mother's delight, scott agreed. he left with little more than a pillowcase full of belongings. he left a pair of timberland's he had found on the sidewalk next to my door. they ended up staying there for almost 5 months before i got sick of them & threw them out. that was 2 weeks before scott died.

that week, my brother did very little but irritate me. we went to the beach, & he thought the fish were after him. we went to busch gardens, & he waited by the front entrance while my mom, harry & i rode the train to look at the animals. we went to a flea market, & he wanted to leave right after he found what he was looking for. my brother, the scottie i had grown up with & liked hanging out with, was nearly gone. i knew he had been slipping away for years. but that week i spent with him in september, my fears were confirmed.
there were moments that my scottie appeared. like the short amount of time he would play with harry upstairs on the carpet & teach him out to bang on a bongo. or when we would wait to ride the roller coasters together; & go on 3 or 4 times if the line was short enough. he would know where each camera was & have a face ready. i felt my heart swell with sisterly protection when some punk ass kids in the line next to us whispered about scott while looking at his tattooed body & gloved hand that held only 2 fingers. i wanted to shelter him from those stares that he would undoubtably get the rest of his life. luckily, he didn't seem to notice...
when i left florida i was relieved. i remember telling my mother that i loved scott, but i didn't like him all the time. he wasn't the scott that i had remembered. i knew he was in there.. but he was buried so deeply. i wasn't sure he was able to escape...
Thank you so much for sharing this Sarah. I love you. I am going to read this everyday. Thank you so much for sharing.
ReplyDeleteEverything that you wrote here reminds me so much of my experience with my brother. God be with you while you are in Florida.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad you are sharing -- in my past experience with grief I have closed up tight and I think it is better to do what you are doing -- share your experiences and your musings and your grief. I think it helpful both to yourself and also to others. You are brave and beautiful. You also happen to be a very good writer, so keep writing! I just re-read Operating Instructions by Anne Lammott for the millionth time and thought of you. Have you ever read it? It's her journal of her first year with her baby -- very tumultuous as yours has been. Love to you.
ReplyDeleteI just read this again. Getting even more out of it. I can't imagine what you are going through. I remember being around you when Scottie cut off his fingers in an accident. I thought it was only one. You were so worried and upset. So many people love you all. We wish we could carry some of the weight off of your shoulders. God bless all of you. I pray that God is carrying your family in his hands, helping you cope. And yes, you are a great writer. Keep the words flowing. We all appreciate you sharing your feelings with us.
ReplyDeleteLove you lots.
I sadly only met him once after El's memorial... we could relate in a lot of ways, i use to suffer from the same symptoms and was on risperdal for several months, it was hard to come off of, was very irritable and hard to be around.
ReplyDeleteWe exchanged phone numbers but never got to hang out before i left town. He wasn't sure if he would still be in Philly or back in Jersey..
I regret not calling giving him a call. He told me to save him as "Scott Pinchy" i believe.. RIP, scott
take care sarah.
Sare.... I have no adjectives here. This is amazing please keep it up. I love you more than words hugs kisses.... I'm so grateful to have been able to be there at the hospital to be with you all and say goodbye to a cousin I loved so immensely but never understood until now. I felt so upset with him and confused the past few years for what 'he' put your mom and all of you through. Always showed him love .. Even stayed on the phone with him for 3 hrs this past summer!! but not until this did I ever realize it was never really Scottie... It was his addiction, the demons that seeped in and made him sick. Tormented him... It makes me so sad.... all the while it makes me sooooo happy to know he no longer is suffering. To see the out pouring of love from friends and family. It's sooo beautiful. I can't wait to hug him and cry with him again. Love you sooo much girl .... You were and ARE the beat sister he could have ever asked for...oxox sandy